Blue Velvet Shrimp: Mesmerizing Color, Easy Care

By FantasticFishTank Team

Are you looking for a captivating addition to your aquarium? Look no further than the blue velvet shrimp. With their stunning blue color and ease of care, these shrimp are a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts.

Did you know that these shrimps can help keep your tank clean of unwanted algae? As scavengers and bottom feeders, they are natural cleaners that can benefit the overall health of your aquarium.

But caring for blue velvet shrimp requires certain conditions and set up. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you create the ideal habitat for your blue velvet shrimp, as well as tips for their care and breeding.

Get ready to learn all about these mesmerizing creatures and how to keep them thriving in your aquarium.

Key Takeaways

  • Blue Velvet Shrimp are popular due to their mesmerizing color and ease of care.
  • These scavengers/bottom feeders prefer moderate to hard water and can help rid the tank of undesired algae.
  • Tank mates should be peaceful creatures, with small fish, almost all snails, and shrimps outside the Neocaridina species being good options.
  • Breeding is swift and straightforward, with female shrimps carrying many eggs and plenty of algae and biofilm needed for success.


Tank Set Up

Blue Velvet Shrimp - Tank Set Up

To set up your tank for blue velvet shrimp, you’ll need to consider a few key factors.

First, the tank size should be between 5-10 gallons and the water should be moderate to hard. Additionally, it’s important to establish a nitrogen cycle to maintain water parameters. This can be achieved by using a filtration system that is appropriate for the tank size and the number of shrimp you plan to keep.

When it comes to decor options, blue velvet shrimp prefer hiding places such as live plants, driftwood, and rocks. These not only provide hiding spots but also help to mimic their natural environment. A substrate of sand or small gravel can also be added to the bottom of the tank.

As for filtration systems, a sponge filter or hang-on-back filter can work well for a smaller tank. It’s important to avoid using a filter that creates too much water flow as this can be harmful to the shrimp.

With these considerations in mind, you can create a suitable and comfortable home for your blue velvet shrimp.

Tank Mates

Blue Velvet Shrimp - Tank Mates

If you’re planning on adding tank mates to your Blue Velvet Shrimp tank, keep in mind that not all fish and creatures are compatible with these peaceful scavengers. Small fish and almost all snails and shrimps outside the Neocaridina species make great companions, but compatibility issues may arise with other types of fish.

Certain methods are available to make fish more compatible, such as providing hiding places for the shrimps and introducing young fish to the shrimps. However, it’s important to note that otocinclus catfish are the only fish that can be kept in the tank during breeding season.

Predator management is crucial when it comes to breeding Blue Velvet Shrimps. Removing predators from the tank is necessary to ensure that the little shrimps mature properly.

It’s important to provide plenty of algae and biofilm for the shrimps to thrive, as well as suitable tank mates and water parameters. With proper care and attention, these mesmerizing creatures can live peacefully with other creatures in your tank.


Breeding your blue velvet shrimp is a swift and straightforward process that requires some preparation. Firstly, make sure your tank has plenty of algae and biofilm, which will serve as a food source for the shrimplets.

Secondly, predator control is important. Remove any fish, snails, or other creatures that may eat the shrimplets. Also, consider adding hiding places, such as moss or driftwood, to provide shelter for the young.

Once the conditions are favorable, breeding should occur naturally. Female shrimp carry a large number of eggs and will release them when the conditions are right. After fertilization, the eggs will hatch into tiny shrimplets that will begin to feed on the algae and biofilm in the tank.

With proper care, the shrimplets will mature in approximately three months, and you’ll have a thriving colony of blue velvet shrimp in your tank.

General Tips

Ensure that your tank has suitable tank mates and water parameters for your blue velvet shrimp to thrive. They are a great choice for beginners and can live in nano or pico-sized tanks. It’s important to monitor the water parameters regularly, especially the pH level, as they prefer a pH range of 6.8-7.5.

Moderate to hard water is preferred, and the temperature range should be maintained between 72-82°F. Feeding habits of blue velvet shrimp are important to maintain their well-being. Overfeeding can be a common cause of death, so be sure to give them only small amounts of food at a time.

They are scavengers and bottom feeders, and can eat blanched vegetables. Providing plenty of hiding places and algae/biofilm will also keep them healthy and happy. By following these general tips, you can ensure that your blue velvet shrimp thrive in your tank and provide a mesmerizing display of color.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Blue Velvet Shrimp be kept with other types of Neocaridina shrimp?

Yes, Blue Velvet shrimp can be kept with other types of Neocaridina shrimp. However, breeding habits and color variations can lead to hybridization, resulting in offspring with unpredictable colors. It is recommended to keep different Neocaridina species separate to maintain specific color genetics.

How often should Blue Velvet Shrimp be fed?

To maintain optimal nutrition requirements for your Blue Velvet Shrimp, feed them once a day with a small amount of high-quality shrimp food. Feeding frequency can be increased during breeding season, but be mindful of overfeeding, a common cause of death.

Can Blue Velvet Shrimp survive in a brackish water environment?

Imagine a freshwater fish swimming in the ocean. It may survive for a while, but eventually, the saltwater environment will take its toll. Similarly, Blue Velvet Shrimp are not brackish compatible. They require specific water parameters to thrive.

Do Blue Velvet Shrimp require a specific type of substrate in their tank?

To ensure optimal tank setup, substrate requirements for blue velvet shrimp must be considered. A fine-grained substrate, such as sand, is recommended to avoid potential harm to their sensitive appendages. Avoid sharp or large particles that may injure them.

How can you tell the gender of a Blue Velvet Shrimp?

To identify the gender of a Blue Velvet Shrimp, look for physical differences in the shape and size of their abdomens. Breeding habits include carrying eggs and requiring algae and biofilm. Color variations may affect gender vibrancy.

Empowering You to Create a Thriving Environment for Blue Velvet Shrimp

Congratulations! You’re now equipped with the knowledge to care for your blue velvet shrimp. By following the tank set-up guidelines and providing a suitable environment, your shrimp will thrive and showcase their mesmerizing color.

Remember to choose tank mates carefully and provide them with a balanced diet to ensure their longevity.

Just like the blue velvet shrimp, life is a delicate balance of beauty and care. We must provide the necessary elements to thrive and flourish, just as we do for these aquatic creatures.

As you watch your shrimp move gracefully through the water, let it remind you of the importance of balance and care in all aspects of life. Cherish the moments of beauty and take the time to cultivate an environment that supports growth and vitality.

About the author

Fantastic Fish Tanks is your home for all things home aquarium relate. Our dedicated team of aquarists, biologists, and writers share a common passion for fishkeeping. We provide expert advice, product reviews, and DIY guides to make fishkeeping accessible for everyone. We're here to support you in your fish keeping journey!

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